DONIC - Bluestar A2

DONIC 2023 The star gets company Within a very short time, the DONIC BlueStar A1 has become the star among the rubber ... See More


DONIC 2023

The star gets company
Within a very short time, the DONIC BlueStar A1 has become the star among the rubber sheets. Its fantastic catapult and speed characteristics are due to the fine-pored sponge, but also the only slightly sticky but extremely grippy top sheet significantly contributes to the outstanding playing characteristics.

Now the high-quality DONIC rubber sheet is getting company.
The BlueStar A2 and BlueStar A3 are alternatives for all pros who find the 52.5® sponge of the BlueStar A1 too hard or who prefer a slightly softer sponge hardness. The new models are available with sponge hardness of 50® (BlueStar A2) and 47,5® (BlueStar A3). The technology that makes the small-pored sponge of the BlueStar so special is, of course, also used with these versions: Optimised Energy Sponge (OPTE) sets standards in terms of elasticity and shock absorbing level. Development, production and processing of the BlueStar meet the highest requirements, which is why this is the epitome of the rubbers. Now also available with slightly softer sponge hardness, which is ideal for most advanced players that play up to professional level.

Technology: OPTE sponge technology, extremely catapult-strong, dynamic, fine-pored 50® sponge.
Character: Very dynamic, super speed and spin characteristics
Recommendation: For attacking and offensive players
Sponge thickness: 2.0/max

Brand: DONIC
Item code: 14002304
Spin: 96
Speed: 101
Control: 69
Hardness: hard
Weight: 0.1 kg
Pcs: 1 pcs

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