Dr. Neubauer - Tornado Supreme

NEWHigh speed and surprisingly high spin with short pimples This short pimple rubber was developed for players who are ... See More


High speed and surprisingly high spin with short pimples

This short pimple rubber was developed for players who are looking to win points through both speed and spin.
TORNADO SUPREME is glued with a new, very fast sponge that always offers maximum penetrating power for offensive play. Both counter-attacks and powerful shots are surprisingly easy.
The ball bounce achieved here literally jumps at the opponent and very often causes confusion and direct mistakes.
At the same time, the rubber also stands out when it comes to spin-oriented attacking games: the extremely wide pimples enable the player to produce a lot of rotation when serving and especially when pulling the ball.

TORNADO SUPREME is therefore a very good alternative for short pimple players who want to win points through both speed and spin. This makes the rubber ideal for those who want to switch from pimples on the inside to short pimples.

Brand: Dr. Neubauer
Item code: 26002401
Hardness: soft
Weight: 0.1 kg
Pcs: 1 pcs
ITTF: yes

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